Whitney and I met with Whole Foods in August and, remarkably, they agreed to sponsor the race and our Fit for the Holidays (FFH) program leading up to it. At that time, a few other FFH and/or race sponsors jumped on board including Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, HealthyDiningFinder.com, Capital Athletic Club, Beneficial Wellness and Dairy Council of California. Since August it's been rush, rush, rush trying to pull the pieces together. In October we held our kick-off event for FFH and for the past three months we've been working with some amazing folks to prepare them for this race. What a thrill--no, an honor--to watch the growth and excitement in these runners/walkers as we neared the race.
Have you ever worked with someone so confident that it made you feel like you didn't know what you were doing? Try working with Rich Hanna and Capital Road Race Management. Rich is the ultimate race KING in the Sacramento area and he knows what he's doing. I had a million questions for Rich, like, "Do you supply garbage cans?" or in a panic, "I can't picture the race set up. Can you help?" He would laugh a bit and reassure me that everything was going to be okay.
Two weeks before the start of the race we had to order shirts and medals. Because of the holidays, we needed to order early. Guessing at our response, we ordered 624 shirts in various sizes and 125 medals (total for both first timers and children.) At that time, we only had 200 people registered and Rich felt generous in ordering the number of items he did. So, I pushed ahead and filled 500 Whole Foods bags (which are the coolest bags!) with all kinds of goodies from Nordic Naturals, EnviroKidz, bottles from Extra Space Storage, The FruitGuys, Dairy Council, Wells Fargo, Fleet Feet and others. Despite Rich's confidence that we would have 500 registered runners, I thought that I would have to lug several hundred bags back to the office. So, when I spoke with Rich a few weeks before race day and he assured me the numbers would go up, I doubted him. In fact, he told me today that I made him doubt himself! How terrible is that??
You see, I feel a sense of responsibility not only to our runners/walkers, but to our sponsors and partners as well. I want them to feel like it was worthwhile for them to partner with us, that we bring an energy and support that will want them to remain as partners. It was important to me to have 500 runners to: 1) cover our costs and 2) make it beneficial to our partners/sponsors. My fears dwindled as the last two weeks progressed. Just over 500 people registered online by January 1, with an additional 100 paper registrations (give or take) already in Rich's hand. At packet pick up and registration on Saturday, January 2, we registered another 70-80 people and probably over 100 on race day. Wow. I know 99% of those participating don't know me, or the Wellness Task Force, or our work, but I took the support personally and I wanted to hug every person that came.
My youngest daughter, she's 4, raced in the Kids' Winter Fun Run along with 60 or 70 other children. What an incredible sight to have all of those beautiful kids running their little hearts out! Chasing the crazy guy (Rich!) with the huge #1 foam finger and being chased by two gigantic fruits & vegetables (thanks to our Network for a Healthy California for having folks in the banana and broccoli costumes). Hearing the parents cheer on their little ones and seeing the happy, smiling faces, is something I'll never forget. It comes second only to seeing the hundreds of runners with yellow bibs.
Wow. Again. The purpose of the is race is three-fold. First, to bring families and communities together. Second, to kick-off a great running year for all our veteran runners. And third, to encourage people to at least try their first distance walk/run. At 3.1 miles, it can seem awfully daunting to people to finish that distance. But so many did! Yellow bibs flew around the course, smiling, chatting, and cheering each other on. To be a part of someone's first race is the highlight of my year. Okay, so the year is only three days old, but it's going to be tough to beat that. We did that. Whitney and I and our Task Force partners, our supporters, family and colleagues...we did that! We were a part of life-changing moments for people today. I am forever proud of everyone who pledged to make a difference for themselves today. Congratulations to all of the FFH folks who finished the race today! Congratulations to my sister who completed her first 5k today! Congratulations to everyone and their children for helping make this an amazing event!
Oh, and just one more time. Thank you to our many sponsors and partners, to Rich and his team and to the Task Force volunteers: Whitney, Ronelle, Jen, Philip, Jessilyn, Connor, Seth, Jordan, Greg, Mikayla, Sara, Kristen, Richard, Noah, Bruce, Rebecca, Hallie, Paul, Tracy, Kelly, Mike, Amy, Brian, Karen, Ken, Kenneth, Stacey and my darling husband who forgives my late work hours and always helps at my events, Tom! I am forever grateful.
Cheers to a happy, healthy, prosperous New Year to each and every one of you!
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