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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Writing from Sunny Down Under

No, I'm not in Australia. I'm...down...under. I've got the running blues. In part, I think, to the amount of time I have to work ...which leaves me with such a small amount to work-out. Thus, everything suffers. My knees, quads, hams and butt suffer. My abs, arms and stomach suffer. My mental anguish suffers the most. Still, the sun is shining inside this gloomy head. Why? Well, maybe it's the little, tinsy glass of champagne I'm having tonight celebrating my husband's homecoming from auto sales...but I'm certain it is also this internal sense of optimism I'm feeling.

My body is filled with anxious excitement. Wow! There are so many things going on at once. Fit for the Holidays, Fit Business Awards, FRR, Nike Women's, family, sleep (well, maybe not so much of that). Could life be any more stupendous and exhausting? Is there a cliff to jump off of? Add the tiredness, nausea and a painful knee and I should be looking like a cross between a looney chicken and a feverish muskrat. But I'm not. I may be down under with my training, but I'm flying high with the possibility off growth. Isn't that what it's all about? If I was a super fast, strong runner what would I have to gain? If I could do all that I wanted, what would I be left with? I'll tell you what I'd be left with, no dreams!

Well, today ladies and gentlemen, I'm a dreamer. I dream of coming in under 5 at CIM (ha!). I dream of running pain and nausea-free (mostly!). I dream of touching people through Fit for the Holidays and helping them make their dreams come true. Tonight, my friends, spend some time feeling good about what is possible and worrying less about what didn't work today. (Okay, this is where everyone breaks out in song, holds hands and cries.) I'm with ya!

**Be on the lookout for more information on Fit For the Holidays. We'd love our Blog followers and readers to join in. More info will be on the Wellness Task Force and FRR websites soon!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, Leah. Optimism mixed with a smidge of reality check, an interesting combination. The Fit for the Holidays program looks like it will be fantastic--group participation, recipes, support...congratulations. What can I do to help from a professional perspective?


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