I'm new to running on riverside paths. I've caught on to always running to the left, single file if with friends. I've also caught on to the fact that bikers think they rule the road. This fact was made clear two weeks ago when a speed-racer cycling by shouted, "GET OUT OF THE *#$%^@!* WAY!" By the way, I was standing on the left-hand side, getting ready for my long run and he was traveling the same direction on the opposite side of the path.
It made me think, Is there something I'm missing here? Is one on foot NOT allowed on the concrete portion of the path? Are there running road rules? Or is this some hyper dual between sports dominated by Type A personalities? I don't want to be disrespectful of others on the path and I certainly don't want my pleasant run to be ruined by profanities...or sideswipes, ouch. I went to my running club coach for answers. (Yes, I actually listed all these questions plus a few more. Hello, Type A!)
- Am I correct that running toward on-coming traffic is common practice? (I see people who look like much more professional runners than me running on both sides so it throws me off!)
- If I'm running with one friend or more, must we run single file?
- Am I supposed to say/ announce something as I pass walkers?
- What if I'm running in file with others and have to stop?
- What else do I need to know about sharing the pavement -- either a river path or a street?
So it's not rocket science! Why'd I get yelled at then, when I was abiding by the general rule, to the left, and "they" get to do whatever "they" want? On a bright, sunshiny Saturday you'd think the cyclist and I would be joined in active/ outdoor enthusiasm and solidarity. Comrades, if you will. Honestly, where's the love? I'm not the one who designed those outfits.
I hereby commit to flashing a big, bright smile (and if it's not raining and there's no yelling, maybe even a wave) at every cyclist that passes. And, yes, my ponytail bounces. A lot.
P.S. Just after I posted this, a handy article came through my email inbox: "10 Running Rules to Remember" (Runner's World).
Hey, some people like those colorful cycling jerseys. Unless, of course, you meant the shorts. Who doesn't love a man in spandex? Ha ha. I agree, "Where's the love?"