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Monday, July 25, 2011

Turtles and Rabbits

Which are you? Does it matter? Not if you run with Harey Tortuga. This group of amazing people receive weekly coaching from the infamous Rich Hanna and Tony Milevsky. We are all ages, all sizes, and run/walk at all levels. We are the slow, but mighty. The fast, but modest. We sweat (for sure!), and chat, and laugh a little, too. This running group has a plan for everyone and everyone fits into the plan.

I'm so grateful to have such nice people to keep me accountable to my exercise routine. I jogged 7.35 miles on Saturday and simply couldn't believe it. If you haven't set a gameplan for your exercise routine, yet, consider joining Harey Tortuga. I promise you'll be welcome, and every time we meet, you'll likely feel like a champion.

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