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Monday, April 26, 2010

Strike a Stranger…Read on, this is not what you might expect

How did I miss this? International pillow fight day? Really? Who knew? Apparently April 3, 2010 was the day to play. Cities around the globe had meeting centers where people could, of all things, strike a pillow at a stranger. There are some rules.
  1. Bring a soft pillow. (No impaling strangers with those brick-like pillows you find in some of the cheaper hotels.) Pillows with loose feathers are encouraged. (Who cleans up this mess, by the way?)
  2. Be inconspicuous. That’s right. You’re supposed to somehow hit this old softy until the ringmaster blows a whistle to announce the pillow circus. Perhaps this is supposed to be the equivalent one of those new “flash mobs.” (I’m sure nobody noticed the pregnant-looking men and women meandering about.)
  3. This next one is not a rule, but it’s encouraged. Somehow it conflicts with the “be inconspicuous” rule. Wear a costume. That’s right. If you feel so inclined, don a hokey costume. What does a “pillow-fighter” wear these days? Perhaps a goose costume to pay homage those who gave their plumes in the line of duty?
Well, whatever the case, I say Mark Your Calendar for the 2011 Pillow Fight! To find out if your city has a gathering location, visit…what else?

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