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Friday, June 5, 2009

Folsom Road Runners Picnic Day

The beauty of joining a running club isn't just that you get great coaching and a supportive team of runners... if you're really lucky, like me and Leah, you'll make great friends, too!

We hung out with our fellow Folsom Road Runners, their spouses and tykes at a picnic in a Folsom park last month. Good food, good drink, good people.

In the month since the Parkway Half, I've been found like this
(menu in hand, not necessarily of the healthiest kind) and this
(that's called workin' it for the Task Force!) What I haven't been seen doing is running, even though I just moved to downtown Sacramento and McKinley Park (AKA runner's central) is down the block from me. Where are the excuses?

So, as I continue to eat, work and contemplate/stall training for the California International Marathon, I miss the Folsom Road Runner's dearly. FRRs, will you accept me on the hopeful chance that I make the early morning drive for a Saturday long run? I really hope so.


  1. I HOPE HOPE HOPE you still come Whitney. We would miss you way too much. Do I hear a promise???

  2. Whitney, I just read this blog. Are you kidding? Everyone misses you! You should definitely come on a Saturday.


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