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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dinner With Lance!

That’s right, folks. Lance Armstrong joined us during dinner the night before the Chairman’s Ride. I actually don’t think he ate, but I did! He talked a lot about Livestrong and why he came back to riding with the pros. It was really inspiring to hear him talk. I wish I could have gotten my picture with him. Darn it!

Patrick Dempsey was also there, along with Mark Paul-Gosselaar, Connie Carpenter-Phinney and Davis Phinney. (Google them, you will be inspired!) I felt terribly underdressed that evening, having just spent the day with my kids, then tromping around the race course in Sacramento without time to shower and re-do myself. Anyway, it’s a funny thing to think about, but I wish I had been dressed in a stunning suit for the dinner--something worthy of the crowd with which I was mingling.

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